Oops, I Dropped It Again!

Oops, I Dropped It Again!

For the past few days, I find myself singing an old Brittany Spear’s song, “Oops, I Did It Again!,” but I have changed the words to “Oops, I Dropped It Again!” Yup, my Parkinson’s has gone bonkers making it tough to hang on to anything. Most of the time, I am able to retrieve the fallen item without much destruction to it or me, but occasionally it breaks. This happened over the holiday weekend when one of my favorite “good” teapots broke. My tremors got the best of me and I could not hold on….so, opps!

I left the broken pieces on the counter with the idea of gluing them back together, but later I decided to just let them go and tossed them in the recycle bin. It was a time of reckoning because the broken pieces of glass really reminded me of how easily things can slip through my fingers, literally and figuratively. I so often take for granted all the abled things I can do on a daily basis and then get discouraged when I have an “oops” moment. What often brings me a reality check is reading the great devotional I have entitled, “Jesus Calling” which reminds me to be thankful for what I have and not dwell on my have-nots.

So I lamented for awhile over the loss of my special teapot and then put on my big-girl pants and moved on. Such is the way I am approaching life with Parkinson’s. When I have an episode of Parkinsonism, I assess, mend what I can and just keep on going……



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Parkinson’s Does Not Know It Is The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year!