Weathering the Storm

Weathering the Storm

Florence is coming! According to the Weather Channel, the southeastern part of the U.S. may be hit by a major hurricane this week. Wow. It sounds very scary and makes everyone I know feel anxious and apprehensive. It should. All we can do is be as prepared as possible when it hits. For people with Parkinson’s and other like conditions, there are some things to consider when getting ready for the storm.

Most importantly, make sure you have enough medications to get you through the hurricane and beyond. Often the roads are blocked and/or the electricity is down for several days post storm so make sure you have enough meds to cover this time. If your prescription needs updating by your health care provider contact them as soon as possible and have the script renewed. Meds are our lifeline, so make them your priority.

People with Parkinson’s are prone to anxiety and depression. An impending catastrophe would make anyone anxious, but especially those with specific conditions. Try to use meditation and prayer to stay calm. I ask God to help me cope with the things I cannot control. Putting my trust in God releases a lot of stress and helps me to focus on the things I can actually do. Good for my mental and spiritual health.

Ask for help from others, One way to help yourself reduce your stress load is to know that there are people who can do things for you if you cannot. Do not hesitate to ask for their assistance. Perhaps it is difficult for you to drive to the store for food and supplies, enlist the help of a neighbor or a friend. More often than not they are happy to help if you just let them know.

Reach out to others who may be worse off than you are. One way to feel more in control is to be proactive. You may have limitations on what you can offer in the way of physical help to friends and neighbors, but you can make a friendly call or send an email to someone who is alone. In addition to helping others, you will feel good about yourself.

Remember to stay positive, be mindful and know that like most things in life, this too will pass.



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