Today was an extraordinary ordinary day! Let me explain: After having Parkinson’s Disease for over a decade, I decided to take on the journey of Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) this past spring. Yes, it is what the name implies. Electrodes are placed in the brain and connected via wires to a neurotransmitter with a battery pack that is placed in the upper part of the chest. DBS is a process that occurs in three or more separate steps over several months.
I chose to have this procedure done after my Parkinson’s medications could no longer control the tremors. Every task became more and more difficult. I could not hold a pen to write, a fork to eat, a brush, a knitting needle, etc, etc, etc. So I went for it (DBS) and have been reborn!!!!! Yes, I do believe in miracles and I feel as if I am the result of the miracle of modern medicine and divine intervention.
It has been six months since the initial brain surgery and I find every day to be an extraordinary one!