I love the passage, “There but for the grace of God go I.” I think of it often and I say it to others and myself frequently. So many situations, good and bad, have brought these words to my lips. I only recently have given thought to what this statement really means. I thought I would share my discoveries.
I think that the essence of this passage is an awareness and an appreciation of being spared from something that is bad or dangerous. The idea that grace is granted, not earned, is inspirational. It cannot be planned and you need to acknowledge that you were spared in order to be aware of the true meaning.
Also, I believe that grace is granted for the good things that happen too. Like regaining the ability to do everyday activities after being disabled from Parkinson’s Disease. I have felt it is truly God’s grace which has enabled me to regain my coordination, balance and fine motor skills following my deep brain stimulation procedure. The tremors that prohibited me from doing so many things are undetectable now. It is miraculous, a gift from God working through the hands of a wonderful neurosurgical team. When I woke up in the recovery room, with my hair shaven and staples in my scalp, the first words I whispered to myself felt familiar and calming, “There but for the grace of God go I. Amen.”