The title of this post is a simple question, “Do I wear a wig while my hair is growing back (after my brain surgery) or do I simply let nature do it's thing”? To appreciate this question, it is important to realize that for the most part of my 68 years, I have had shoulder length, blondish hair. Short hair feels strange and unlike me. In addition, the color of my hair has always magically been blondish thanks to some great highlights added by my hair dresser. The color that is naturally appearing is a salt and pepper variation of silver. So when I look into the mirror, I hardly recognize myself. It feels weird and unusual, but maybe I should get use to it……
Why does it even matter what length or color my hair is? Well, in the big picture, it does not. Yet, I am sensitive to the fact that I look different and that brings on questions. Sometimes I do not want others to notice that there is something different with my appearance because I feel I need to explain why. On the other hand, the positive effects of my brain procedure automatically shows that I have totally changed from the shaky, balance-challenged and weakly individual I was only five months ago. I have changed so what is with the hair thing?
I have spoken to a couple of my friends who wear wigs regularly and they have enlightened me to the incredible advantage and convenience of “just putting on a wig.” I have to admit it very nice to have the ability to have a hairdo that always looks good despite the weather, the outfit or the time and effort you spend on it. One of my friends gifted me with the perfect color and style wig and I feel so comfortable in it. I was not with her when she selected it and she got it completely perfect. We both are so pleased with the color, length and style. Wow, such good insight.
So perhaps the real answer to my question, “To Wig or Not To Wig,” can best be answered on how I feel. When I wear it, I feel like myself. Maybe when my natural hair grows longer I will feel differently and decide whether or not to color it. For now, I wig when I want and I don’t wig when I choose……..Ah, such a dilemma, not!