Well, I cannot believe that less than two years ago I could not hold a pen or fork and now I am learning to sketch and do watercolor painting. For those of us who live with the daily challenges of Parkinson’s, you understand what an enormous impact completing the simple tasks of life means, let alone venturing out to try something entirely new. After all, I was a science major and I knew nothing about the field of art.
There are so many lessons to be learned in trying new things especially when you are afflicted with a chronic disease such as Parkinson’s. Firstly, it is physically good for your brain to be exposed to new concepts and skills. It flexes the brain as if it was a muscle that needs to be stretched. Secondly, it actually enhances your mental well being and makes you feel good when you try new endeavors even if they are not as refined as you would like them to be. Additionally, new adventures often mean meeting new people and getting out of your comfort zone. You know that “zone” I am referring to where you isolate yourself and feel lonesome and anxious. Also, developing a new hobby boosts your self-confidence . This makes you feel good about yourself which in turn makes you try other things.
I know my sketches and paintings are elementary, but I honestly do not care. Doing this new hobby has given me a much needed diversion from caregiving to my husband and from that pesky disease, called Parkinson’s. It also has provided me with hope that this disease does not always lead to a downward spiral of mental and physical health. With the intervention of the deep brain stimulation procedure, I feel hopeful for a better quality of life than I ever could have imagined when first diagnosed.
A note of interest: I started my “art” journey with free online YouTube videos. My art tools included a pencil and an inexpensive note pad. I gradually moved up to getting a set of watercolor metallic paints and pencils and a set of brushes that I purchased at a local dollar store. Remember keep it simple and keep it fun!!!!!