“In sickness and in health,” a phrase that was part of our wedding vows which we said so nonchalantly over 43 years ago. Of course at ages 25 and 32, we were young and healthy with little thoughts of chronic diseases, such as Parkinson’s, and bladder cancer and major heart blockages.

However, at this point in our marriage, those words hold so much more meaning as we grow older. We go from counting years to counting decades and our bodies reflect the aging process more and more. Now we recognize how fortunate we are to have one another for physical, mental and emotional strength.

During the past year the words, “in sickness and in health,” have been truly tested. My husband could not have been more attentive and supportive throughout the brain surgery journey for my Parkinson’s. I cannot even begin to thank him for the genuine care he so freely gave to me. Yet, the real caregiving had happened over the past decade following my initial diagnosis. He spent many. many days and nights taking care of me with all the trials and tribulations that come along with living with a patient with Parkinson’s. Not easy roles to have for either the patient or the loved one.

Now it is my time to continue to step up to the role of caregiver. I have had some experience over the past year with my husband’s treatment of bladder cancer, In fact, the fatigue he developed over the past few months we thought was a result of the immunotherapy he was receiving for the cancer, Turns out that it was most likely caused by major blockages in his coronary arteries. It is a blessing that it was caught before he had a massive heart attack.

He is coming home soon following his triple bypass and I am in charge! I am his 24/7 caregiver for the next phase of his recovery. It will not be easy to watch someone you love be in pain as the healing process occurs, but he is a strong guy with a great sense of humor. (Something we will both need.)

As we learn to codepend on each other, we also know that our whole family is with us. Our adult kids are so loving and giving of their time, energy and affection and are part of our team as we go through the physical and mental challenges throughout life’s journey. We are so proud of how they continue to show us that keeping a family healthy and happy is a multi-member effort

As for my husband and me, it is incredibly reassuring to know that after 43 years, we are truly there for one another “in sickness and in health”…….