Simply Blessed

Simply Blessed

I use the term, “I am blessed” often. It is a sentiment that says so much in such a short phrase.

When I think of my grown children spending time with us because they want to , not because they feel obligated. I feel blessed.

When I meet with my friends for a lunch and a chat, I feel blessed.

When I look at the beautiful area where I live, near the water and the beach, I feel blessed.

When my daughter-in-law and I share tea time and hugs, I feel blessed.

When I play with my yellow labs and enjoy their playfulness, I feel blessed.

When I attend services at my church and sit among my fellow worshipers, I feel blessed.

When I serve food to those who have suffered from the hurricane, I feel blessed.

When my cousin and I share good night sentiments every day, I feel blessed.

When I realize that my Parkinson’s could be so much worse, I feel blessed.

When my husband rubs my legs because the tremors are so intense, I feel blessed.

When my girls friends and I go line dancing and laugh our way through the class, I feel blessed.

When I look out our window and see hummingbirds at the feeder, I feel blessed.

When I look at the knockout roses in full bloom again this year, I feel blessed.

With so many of God’s gifts surrounding me everyday, I feel SIMPLY BLESSED!



Behind the Wheel

Behind the Wheel