Wow just when you think you have things all under control, life with PD throws a curve ball.

It has been several months since I have written a post on my blog. During that time, my husband has battling his own medical problems. This is not how I thought our retired days would play out, but we are adapting.

Just as I thought my PD was stable and I developed new signs and symptoms that require my attention. This is a different course than I had prepared for, basically I was ready to be my husband’s caregiver and was happy to reciprocate after all the giving my husband gave to me over the past decade. What I did not anticipate was the addition of new challenges with PD. You see, I have developed two completely new signs of the ongoing progressive neuromuscular condition. The first one became apparent over the months of April and May: my voice as become “small”. At first, I thought that my voice was hoarse, but it continued and got worse as the weeks went on….By the end of a day, I can barely be heard in person and even more difficult on the telephone. My speech is slurred, muffled and sounds like I am mumbling. Dang it!!!!!

I am currently on a quest to find a Speech Therapist who understands the treatments for PD. I will keep you posted.

The other PD related symptom that has manifested is shuffling. I used to do it only when I was very tired, but now it occurs all day. So I am back to physical therapy learning to develop new muscle memory. It starts by marching around the house as if I was in a marching band during the half time of a college football game. My brain needs to retrain my feet……up and down leg movement, up and down marching. Often I feel like my feet are trying to glide or ice skate instead of walking. I feel old, weak and frail when I do this. So what to do?

Stay tuned for an upcoming post as I have found methods to address both of these symptoms….As is often the case, God has granted me accessible and available solutions….

Illustration: Pinterest