Yea!!!! My last post described some of the new signs of Parkinson’s that I have been experiencing during the last few months. A very challenging one is the loss of volume of my voice. I know that many patients describe a problem where their voice becomes “soft and very quiet.” I have had this same issue for the past few months and am happy to say I found a great resource to address this problem. The is incredibly important and pertinent for Parkinson’s patients who are experiencing the voice issue. (See image above for resource info)
I came across this resource on YouTube and have been following the daily lessons regularly. WOW!Thank God (literally)for this fabulous program. In addition to the excellent sessions led by a professional speech and language therapist, the lessons are available free and online. Within a week, I have heard and felt my voice getting stronger. Even my friends and family have noticed the difference when speaking to me on the phone. It amazes me that just as I need a solution to a PD situation, I find one.
The other PD issue I have been dealing with is shuffling when I walk. I did seek help through the physical therapy practice I often attend, Bodies and Balance. The problem is a common one when PD progresses. The lack of dopamine impacts the messages from the brain to lower extremities. You say walk, your feet say shuffle…… But don’t give up!!!!!! Like most movements, you must get some muscle memory built up. March! Lift your legs high and then higher. Your body will get the idea if you fight the urge to just shuffle. I actually put on music with a strong beat and march around the house. I look ridiculous, but it does work…..
Ok, reality check. I am sharing ideas that work for me when I am mentally and physically able and ready to do them. Some days I just don’t want Parkinson’s so it takes every bit of strength to even try to take my voice lesson, do my marching exercises and fall prevention exercises. And now I am care giving to my husband who is battling cancer. During these times, I draw upon my inner strength that comes from my family, friends and above all faith. So don’t give up on yourself. If you miss a day, try the next day. And always “KEEP THE FAITH”