It is early on this Sunday morning and I am writing this as I sit in my sunroom waiting for the daylight to appear. My husband and our yellow lab are still sound asleep. I often wake up around 5am, not by choice but by habit. This is left over from when my tremors prevented me from falling back to sleep after getting up to use the bathroom. Now, I like this quiet time to read, write or just relax as I sip my cup of Irish breakfast tea.

Today is Sunday and I will soon be getting ready for the early church service. This is also a treat. The virtual option which started when Covid kept us all inside, is very convenient but there is something peaceful and reassuring to actually sit among others and enjoy their fellowship in the actual building. I enjoy arriving a few minutes prior to the service to reflect on my past week and to pray for things to come. The solace I find in the church is a gift.

Having said this, I really want to discuss my daily appreciation for my faith. It has sustained me throughout my life and I feel blessed to have it and share with those who believe as I do. Throughout the past decade while experiencing all of the trials and tribulations of having Parkinson’s Disease, it is my faith that has seen me through the roller coaster of emotions associated with this degenerative disease. How often I have asked for God’s intervention to get me through a specific crisis? My faith has always seen me through.

So on this Sunday morning before the sun has even risen, I would like to give thanks for the gift of faith. May all have the richness of faith in their lives..